Choose a structure that best fits your experience:
1 – “THEN AND NOW”: Pinpoint two moments in time. This is great when sharing a personal story or a case study.
2 – “IT’S LIKE…STORIES”: Share something complex in an easy-to-understand way by using an analogy related to AI.
3 – “THE LIGHTBULB MOMENT”: Share an epiphany or marked moment in time where a realization or great idea came to you on using AI in teaching.
4 – “I’M NOT PERFECT”: Reflect on a challenge, mistake, or learning experience that built trust and growth. Being vulnerable and sharing down moments and mistakes shows that you are real like the rest of us!
5 – “MY GOLDEN NUGGET”: To share a win in effectively using AI towards driving student success outcomes!
A real classroom experience
A 500-700 word narrative
A web-friendly tone (like a blog or magazine feature)
A perspective from a faculty member, student, or both
At least one quote or testimonial
A photo or image to represent your story
Videos showcasing AI in action
Student artifacts (with permission)
Course materials or lesson examples
The goal of collecting these stories is to surface the voices of faculty, students, or a combination of student and faculty experiences on the use of AI at UNC Charlotte, where we hope to highlight effective and notable faculty and student use-cases of AI in teaching and learning across the curriculum and campus. Stories will be published on the CTL website as a resource for instructors across disciplines.