CHHS 370

Classroom Layout

Classroom Technology and Furniture


3rd Floor, CHHS building
Capacity: 48
Availability: Currently available for booking

This active learning classroom is equipped with the following technology and furniture:

  • 8 tables with 6 seats
  • 4 wall-mounted display monitors
  • Multiple wall-mounted whiteboards
  • USB camera 
  • Document camera
  • 1 gooseneck podium microphone
  • Distributed audio system

Classroom Technology Tutorial Videos for Instructors

Instructors can use a variety of tools to blend instruction in the active learning classroom. The video tutorials below explain how to utilize classroom technology.

  1. How to change sources on the touch panel How to use the Display Sources & System Tools
  2. How to use the microphones in the Active Learning Classroom How to use the Volume Controls & Microphone
  3. How to use Zoom in the Active Learning Classroom How to use Zoom

List the full video playlist: Active Learning Classroom Technology Tutorial