Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants


“To better understand teaching and learning through discipline based inquiry.”

The Faculty Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants Committee is requesting proposals for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grants!

In terms of funding, these are “one-year grants,” meaning that funding will be available through June 30, 2025 only. Note that your SoTL project may take longer to complete in terms of analysis and dissemination, but funding must be expended by the end of the current fiscal year.

The purpose of the SoTL Grants program is to fund faculty projects that systematically examine and reflect upon the teaching and learning practices in their discipline using appropriate research methods.

The SoTL Grants Committee awards grants to individual faculty members or faculty groups (departments, colleges, programs, academies, or standing committees) who develop SoTL projects that:

  1. Have measurable outcomes
  2. Benefit the UNC Charlotte Teaching and Learning Community
  3. Are tied to the University’s mission and Strategic Plan
  4. And demonstrate evidence of successful SoTL scholarship to:
    • the UNC Charlotte teaching and learning community
    • the wider research community;

Where such projects may be aimed at:

  • Making significant curricular reforms
  • Designing new curricula
  • Conducting research that informs teaching and learning at the local (course, department, college, university) level
  • Initiating activities that would improve the quality of instruction in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the unit or the campus

(See past proposals that were successfully funded).

The SoTL Grant Cycle has a one year term that begins on October 1st, when SoTL Grant Proposals are due. If you are selected, you will be notified of your award on November 1st and you will receive your funds on November 30th. You will implement the Teaching Project and collect data in the Spring for analysis during the Summer term. Note that your funds must be expensed by June 30th, and your Final Report for the project must be submitted prior to submitting a proposal to a new Grant Cycle on October 1st.

Priority will be given to proposals which are clearly linked to the University’s Strategic Plan and that fall under one or more of the SoTL Grants RFP Strands.

The SoTL Grants RFP this year seeks proposals that are in alignment with the Strategic Plan, defined in the following three strands:

  1. High Impact Practices and Curricular Innovation
    • Experiential Education
    • Collaborative Learning
    • Community-based Learning
    • Project or Problem Based Learning
    • Active Learning Strategies
    • Human-Centered Design
    • Pedagogies of Care and Well-Being
    • Entrepreneurial Education
  2. Educational Technology Innovation
    • Online, Digital or Blended Learning
    • Pedagogies using Generative AI
    • Virtual Communities
    • Course Quality Benchmarks
    • Learning Analytics and Big Data
    • Personalized and Adaptive Learning
    • Open Education Resources
    • Learner Access and Accessibility
  3. Pedagogies Using AI
    • Personalized and Adaptive Learning
    • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
    • Automated Assessment and Feedback
    • Intelligent Learning Analytics
    • Emotional and Sentiment Analysis
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR/VR)
    • Gamification
    • AI-Enhanced Accessibility
    • Content Recommendation Systems
    • AI for Language Translation and Learning
    • Ethical and Moral Education Using AI

Finally, the outcomes of SoTL research may vary, but are typically defined as some measure of student success (completion, participation, belongingness, motivation, etc.). Intended outcomes must be operationally defined and tie to the goals of the Strategic Plan in order to be considered.

To learn more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants Program, consider attending a SoTL Orientation Workshop and the SoTL Grant Proposal Writing Course

Orientation to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Program

SoTL Grant Proposal Writing Online Course
Asynchronous with one (1) Synchronous Zoom Meeting on Aug 26th from 2:00pm-3:00pm (see workshop description for additional details)

Program Funding and Budget for 2024-25

The total budget for the SoTL Grants program is $70,000 for the academic year. There is no predefined limit on how much an individual grant proposal may request; however, the program typically funds multiple worthy projects among the campus.

Funds may be requested for expenses directly related to the project, such as materials, supplies, student assistants, travel, communications, honoraria, printing, and equipment. Proposed budgets typically range from $2,500 to $10,000.

Format of the Proposal

Each proposal must be typed and include the following components, in order:

1. Title PageStates the title of the project, the faculty members and unit(s) involved, centered on the page.
2. AbstractA concise summary of the project, not to exceed 250 words. Includes:

● Student population
● Pedagogical issue or teaching innovation are you investigating
● Chosen intervention
● Intended outcomes/objectives
● Brief overview of plans and methods for achieving the project goals
● Rationale for the project as it relates to University goals and the Strategic Plan
3. Budget1. The Budget Request form for SoTL Grants.
2. Budget Narrative detailing how you will use the funds.
4. Complete Budget Request Form for SoTL GrantsSee Budget Guidelines page for additional information.
5. Budget NarrativeDescribes how you will use the funds requested. Matching funds from department or college sources should be listed, if provided.(Please refer to the notes and guidance listed above when creating your budget and the Budget Guidelines page for additional information.)
6. Letter of SupportInclude a Letter of Support that has been signed by the administrator responsible for the unit submitting the proposal (e.g., your College Dean). If it is a joint proposal that involves more than one college, you must include a letter of support from each.
7. Project NarrativeTyped, double-spaced, and not to exceed 2500 words (excluding references/citations, the abstract, the timeline [H.], and the budget worksheet), which must describe the project explicitly and address each of the following areas:
A. Specific AimsContains the following elements:

● The overall purpose of the project
● The specific objectives to be achieved
● A statement of the specific research questions to be answered as a result of the project
● The rationale for the proposed project, plainly illustrating why it should be funded. This section should put the project in context: identify the problem to be addressed and the relation of the project to the applicant’s unit’s mission, objectives, and priorities. Any planning, pilot work, or prior observations that support the project should be included.
● The impact of the study on undergraduate or graduate teaching and learning (e.g., the benefits to student learning and success, the number of students to be served, etc.).
B. Literature ReviewThis section should contain the following elements:

● Provides a clear and thorough introduction and background.
● Illustrates project is grounded in research.
● Demonstrates knowledge of issues involved in project;
● Synthesizes recent literature in project area;
● Provides conceptual framework for project;
● Is well organized and engaging to read.
C. MethodsThe methods section must explain your overall project plan and all the activities required to complete the project. Be sure to explain why you have selected this approach and how it will support your project.Your proposal must persuade the Faculty SOTL Grants Committee that the project is well planned. The methods should be presented in sufficient detail to allow the Grants Committee to understand the steps that will be required to complete the project. The Committee is concerned that your methodological approach is valid and reliable and will, in fact, address the stated needs of the project. Be sure to include any potential limitations that may occur with the proposed methodology and what steps you will take to rectify any potential problems.
D. EvaluationsThe expected outcomes and impact of your project are extremely important. Your proposal must describe to the committee how you will assess the success of your project. Your proposal must detail what you will measure, how you will measure it, and why the measures are appropriate. Include a description of the data collection, instrumentation, and/or statistical methods you will use. The evaluation section must clearly indicate how your evaluation methods are directly linked to your intended outcomes and project objectives. Both formative and summative evaluations should be included, as appropriate.
E. Knowledge DisseminationThis grant program is a professional development opportunity. Grants must describe how the results of the project will be communicated to the UNC Charlotte community, and if applicable, how the results will be communicated to the field and other external communities of interest. You should list the target audiences with which you plan to share your results, such as the specific journals and conferences and so forth.(See Requirements for Grant Recipients below.)
F. Human SubjectsWhile much of SOTL research may be considered exempt research, “in accordance with federal regulations and UNC Charlotte policy, ALL University research projects involving the use of human subjects or the use of human subjects data must be reviewed and approved in advance by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research with Human Subjects. This requirement applies to all research projects regardless of the granting agency or the institution to which they are being submitted for funding, and includes those supported by University funds or those without funding.” (See more information at the UNC Charlotte Human Subjects in Research website).Your grant proposal must explain the steps you have taken (and/or plan to take) in the IRB process (e.g., including but not limited to completing and submitting the Human Subjects Protocol Form, receiving IRB review status, having been assigned a protocol number, etc.).
G. Extramural Funding (if applicable)If you will be seeking extramural funding for this project, please list the programs and agencies and specify how SOTL funds will be leveraged to enhance the overall project. For example, a SoTL project could serve as a pilot test for a larger, externally funded project.
H. TimelineProvide a timeline of proposed project activities, from start to finish. An annotated list of dates and activities is the preferred format.
Proposal Submission Process

Moving forward, SoTL grant proposals are to be submitted via this SoTL Grant Proposal Submission Google Form.

All of the above parts should be compiled into a single pdf file, in the order specified above, and attached to the Google form. The file must be received by October 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm to be considered.

Selection Process

The SoTL Grants Committee will review and rank proposals based on their overall quality, including but not limited to:

  • the importance and impact of the proposed project,
  • the clarity and completeness in addressing components of the proposal,
  • the degree to which the budget supports the project goals,
  • the potential impact on student learning,
  • congruence with the goals of the Strategic Plan,
  • alignment with the given RFP Strands;
  • and the clarity of the plan for evaluation of the project and use of the results.

The Committee will use a standard scoring rubric and pre-screening checklist on all proposals. We encourage you to review the linked rubric and checklist to better understand what may make your proposal successful.

NOTE: Any proposal that does not meet the criteria of the Pre-Screening Checklist and that does not follow the Submission process will not be considered by the committee. This includes completion of all previous SoTL Projects and submission of your final report for that project (see Requirements for Grant Recipients for more details).

Deadlines & Important Dates

Proposals must be submitted electronically through the SoTL Grant Application and Proposal Submission Form with a final deadline of October 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Late submissions will not be accepted, regardless of reason.

The following table highlights deadlines and important dates for you to be aware of:





Supporting Resources

RFP Opens

August 14


SoTL Grant Proposal Submission Form 
Proposal Due

October 1
11:59 PM


SoTL Grant Proposal Submission FormScoring rubric and pre-screening checklist
Proposal Reviews by SoTL Committee Complete

October 15



Award Notifications

November 1



Funds Disbursed

Winter Break


SPS Budget Office sends to your Department Budget Office

Project Implementation & Analysis




Faculty Stipends Disbursed

May 15



Funds Expended

June 30



Final Report Due(if applying to a new grant cycle)

October 1
11:59 PM


SoTL Grant Recipient Final Report FormSoTL Grant Recipient Final Report Worksheet
Requirements for Grant Recipients

If your proposal is funded, in whole or in part, you agree that:

  1. You will present your findings
    • internally to the UNC Charlotte Community through the SoTL Research Showcase webinar series run by the CTL, or another avenue.
    • externally through publications or presentations to outside communities
      • Note: Any publications or presentations resulting from a SoTL award should credit the UNC Charlotte Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program.
  2. You will complete and submit a Final Report on your project via this SoTL Grant Recipient Final Report Google Form.
    • Final reports that are not submitted through the Google Form as directed, will not be accepted.
    • Please use this SoTL Grant Recipient Final Report Worksheet to prepare your responses. When you are ready to submit, transfer your responses into the Google Form.
  3. Your proposal, final report, and any related output may be published on a UNC Charlotte SOTL website and other appropriate UNC Charlotte communications.
How to Generate Ideas and Conduct SoTL Research

For those just getting started with SoTL Research, we have prepared a primer on SoTL and how it is typically carried out:

If you have never conducted this kind of research before, we suggest that you plan early and reach out to others who have. This kind of collaborative effort is at the heart of SoTL inquiry.

Links to Forms and Supporting Materials

If you have any questions about the grants program or proposal process, please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning by submitting a help ticket.