Teaching with Student Response Systems
Best Practices of Polling in Teaching!!
FAQ website – Step-by-Step Instructions on Poll Everywhere
Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
- Provide a reason for using polling questions
- Always provide a learning goal as part of the assessment
- Align challenging and important questions to the student learning outcomes within your class
- Allow for peer discussion and active learning
- Breakup your questions throughout your course delivery
- Provide sufficient time for discourse and responses
- Emphasize the value of respecting ideas and other reasonings – respect
- Through the use of polling responses, you are gathering attendance data
- Start with a low-stake poll or current knowledge question
- Reduce the showing of the histograms
- Remove the use of “trick” questions
- Use real-life scenarios/case studies/everyday examples within your questions
- Utilize group responses for think, pair, and share exercises
- Based on responses do re-polling if responses are widely incorrect
Benefit of Using Poll Everywhere for Attendance and Responses
By using polling questions in your class, you will be able to challenge students through:
- Understanding the content through active learning
- Seeing the purpose and flow of the content
- Increase in participation, discussion with their peers
- Consistent attendance
- Assessing their content knowledge
- Meaningful faculty-to-student interaction
- Greater student-to-student interaction
- Deeper student-to-content interaction
- Faculty feedback (understanding the knowledge transfer)
- Problem practice and development
- Opportunities for anonymous responses
- Removal of misconceptions of content
- Think, Pair, Share responses (peer instructions)