Events and Workshops

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To view a full listing of our events, please visit our CTL Campus Events webpage or download a calendar of our events using the buttons below.

Active Learning

Getting Started with Active Teaching and Learning

Part 1: Teaching with Poll Everywhere

Part 2: Active Learning with Poll Everywhere

Designing and Implementing Group Projects

First Week Prep

Syllabus 101: Roadmap to Success

Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools


The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Program

SoTL Grant Proposal Writing Course

  • Sept. 2 – 6

Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools

Part 1: Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention

Canvas Studio: Exploring Video Insights

Student Success

Growth Mindset Activities for Your Class

Instructor-Led Workshops

Register for synchronous instructor-led workshops held both in-person and virtual.

Self-Paced Canvas Courses

Register for asynchronous self-paced Canvas workshops.

Teaching Certificates

Learn about the certificate programs offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning. Certified faculty receive a Credly digital credential.