Events and Workshops

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To view a full listing of our events, please visit our CTL Campus Events webpage or download a calendar of our events using the buttons below.

Generative AI

Overview of Gen-AI Tools for Education

Part 1: Introduction to Gen-AI and Prompt Writing

Part 2: Student Study Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)

Part 3: Student Writing Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)

Ethical Considerations for Teaching with Gen-AI

Zoom AI for Teaching

Active Learning

Getting Started with Active Teaching and Learning

Part 1: Teaching with Poll Everywhere

Part 2: Active Learning with Poll Everywhere

Designing and Implementing Group Projects

Syllabus Strategies

Syllabus 101: Roadmap to Success

Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Orientation to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Program

SoTL Grant Proposal Writing Online Course

  • Sept. 2 – 6, Online Course (link coming soon)

Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools

Part 1: Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention

Part 2: Canvas Studio – Exploring Video Insights

Student Success Strategies

Growth Mindset Activities for Your Class

Instructor-Led Workshops

Register for synchronous instructor-led workshops held both in-person and virtual.

Self-Paced Canvas Courses

Register for asynchronous self-paced Canvas workshops.

Teaching Certificates

Learn about the certificate programs offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning. Certified faculty receive a Credly digital credential.