Jordan Register, Ph.D.

Jordan Register, Ph.D.
Dr. Jordan Register is a Faculty Development Specialist with the Center for Teaching and Learning. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the Urban Mathematics Education program and a Masters Certification in Data Science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as well as her B.S. in Mathematics and a Masters of Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics from Charlotte and is certified as an instructor of Foundational Mathematics from the NC Department of Education. She currently serves as the Journal Manager for the Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics (TEEM) Academic Research Journal.
Prior to joining the CTL, Jordan taught high school mathematics in Charlotte schools and led her Professional Learning Community. Beginning in 2019, she served as a STEM Education Specialist in the Center for STEM Education at UNC Charlotte and as an instructor for the NSF funded, CResT: Culturally Responsive Teaching Program. Additionally, she is a CO-PI of the GenCyber Institute for teachers interested in implementing cybersecurity principles in their classrooms. Jordan has taught several undergraduate-level mathematics methods and content courses at Charlotte and an ethical data science course for high school students offered through the Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics program. She has considerable experience working with high school students, undergraduates, teachers, faculty, and industry professionals.
Broadly speaking, Jordan’s areas of expertise are in Critical Mathematics Education, Data Science, Ethics, and the Design Research Approach to instructional design. Much of her research to date is concerned with how educators may design instructional resources and theory that promote students’ critical and ethical reasoning in the STEM disciplines (e.g. mathematics and data science) while also promoting equitable participation and attention to identity. Within this strand of research she has developed and tested ethical data science course curricula and theory which have been published in both national and international academic journals and has presented her work in conferences both in the United States and abroad.